
Undergraduate and Initial Teacher Preparation courses

These courses include courses in the Diploma (Teaching), Bachelor of Arts/Science (Education), and Post Graduate Diploma in Education programmes.

* indicates a course that Prof Chang has coordinated (developed or co-developed the curriculum)

Bachelor's Degree

  • *Elements of Physical Geography
  • *Climate and climate change
  • *Geographical Methods and Fieldwork
  • *Development of Geographic Thought
  • *Geographies of Sustainability
  • Planning for Geography Teaching
  • Classroom based Teaching Methods
  • Teaching Social Studies to Secondary School Students
  • Selected Geography Topics for Primary Social Studies 
  • Environmental Studies and Global Issues
  • Geographical Ideas, Research and Fieldwork

Post Graduate Diploma in Education

  • *Classroom and Field Approaches to the Teaching and Assessment of Geography
  • Teaching Social Studies to Secondary School
  • Developing Understanding in Teaching and Learning Geography
  • Assessment in Geography
  • Exploring Themes in "A" level Geography
  • Resources in Geography Teaching
  • Introduction to Geography

Dip (Ed) Modules

  • Physical Environmental Systems
  • Selected Geography Topics for Primary Social Studies